Monday, September 22, 2014

"hear the word of God and act on it"

                                                                    Luke 8:19-21.
The mother of Jesus and his brothers came to him but were unable to join him because of the crowd.
He was told, "Your mother and your brothers are standing outside and they wish to see you."
He said to them in reply, "My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it."


"Hear the word of God and Act on it", this sounds cool and worth reflecting for today. I invite you to pause for a moment and slowly close your eyes. Listen to beat of your heart breathing in and out 3 times.
After doing so, I now invite you to listen to your breathing and listen to the sound of silence.
Ask your self on the following question:
1. Have i listen to God's word for today?
2. Have i heard God talking to me today? or
3. Have i acted rightly as i am suppose to do?

Hearing is very important to every individual, and this act pertains to someone should speak of the word of God like our church ministers or Priest and we hear them. Most of the time we hear them during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Now, hear the word of God and act on it, its an invitation that after we hear the mass and reflected on the readings and the Gospel it also expected from us to act in a very special way. The act may not really be very big or should be seen by others. An authentic act starts within your heart and your self. The so-called transformation from information (the word of God that we hear) begins in us. By the help of the grace of God we are slowly transform we change in a very special way. The way we talk and the way we respond to situations that calls our being Christian.

After listening have i responded generously to Gad's word? or Is there a time that i just neglected the words of God and never acted on it?

It requires humility and acceptance before we know thoroughly our self. That is why the very invitation for today is to open our heart and have a discerning heart to listen to God's word and be generous to yourself for others. After hearing, it's your time now to act. It's not yet late, so come on! lets act on something in a very special way!

Be reflective and active to respond, "hear the word of God and act on it." 

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