Monday, July 21, 2014

# Rabboni

 "He knows your name" and he knows you well

Gospel: John 20:1-2.11-18

         We now reflect on Mary as one of the disciples of Jesus who had been very faithful and one of those who dedicate her life in preaching the good news.
         We also see what are Mary Magdalene's characteristics as a persona and as a disciple of Christ. We probably know that Mary Magdalene is a prostitute at that time, but what is so striking is her transformation. She transformed after hearing the word of God. And she (Mary Magdala) is a good model of discipleship of which who followed Jesus from his passion, death and resurrection. We should also see how she struggled but overcome it because of love. Love to serve and follow the steps of God.
       Jesus said "Mary!" She turned to him and said, "Rabboni" (Teacher).
       Jesus gives importance to our name, we are so special to him just like Mary of Magdala. He (Jesus) called us in a very special way with intense love and emotion.
       Mary also honored Jesus as teacher, who had been teaching and doing or acting the will of God. We give praise to Jesus as Mary exult him saying "Rabboni". Honoring Jesus is honoring the Almighty Father who is the source of all things.
        The challenge of our Gospel for today is how we honor Christ in our life. And how we praise and glorify our God.
        God loves us in a very special way, and he knows our name. Let us offer our day to Him and be ready to be transformed by the grace of God today.

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