Sunday, July 20, 2014

Believe and You shall See

"Believe and You shall See"

In our Gospel for today taken from Matthew 12:38-42, speaks of the discourse of Jesus with the Pharisees who wanted to see for a sign from him. Indeed Jesus was not surprised by their intentions for he knows what they are trying to drive at him. He then, gave them the prophesy of the prophet Jonah.
 If we are to relate in the Gospel for today, we are like the Pharisees who always wanted to seek for sign for us to know something and to act for something. this is part of our worldly views in life. Truly we seek sign so that we can prove the veracity of something.
But the invitation for us today is not just to seek for sign, instead be a real believer. "To believe is to see". we must believe first before we see anything that is beyond our human capacity. Be a true believer of the Gospel and be a bearer of the faith. An authentic believers seeks the Kingdom of God and believe in it before he/she can experience.
the challenge for us today is to transform our doubtful hearts and be a true believer to God. Believe and you shall see.

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