Tuesday, July 29, 2014

"Pearl Of Great Price"

"Pearl Of Great Price"

Mt 13:44-46
Jesus said to his disciples: “The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls.
When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it". 

 What is your pearl of great price in life?
Have you ever identified it? or would you like to disccover more of it?

Our Gospel today speak of that pearl that we are searching for in our life. Our pearl could be education, love, properties, career an etc.. But our Gospel gives us a beautiful # throwback of the real pearl that is the Kingdom of God. And it is said in the book of the Prophet Isaiah " Unless you believe, you will not understand." So, seek for it, and later on if you see it you will sell everything or even leave everything for that pearl that you wanted. Be happy and be joyful in your life. Be true and be honest to yourself and God's grace will be with you.

I am on the formation year, purifying my intentions and searching for that pearl in my life. I leave everything for the reason that i know something is waiting for me and i will later on if I continue to believe. 

Have courage! it's not easy, but the holy spirit will help you then. just have an open heart and be aware of the movement of the holy spirit and it will lead you to your pearl of great price.
Be joyful and find God everywhere, Find God and the Holy Spirit will lead you, be aware of the Holy Spirit and you will received your Pearl of Great Price.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

# with a Purpose

"With a purpose"

 Mt 13:31-35
Jesus proposed a parable to the crowds. "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a person took and sowed in a field.
It is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants. It becomes a large bush, and the 'birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches.'"
He spoke to them another parable. "The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed with three measures of wheat flour until the whole batch was leavened."
All these things Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables. He spoke to them only in parables, to fulfill what had been said through the prophet: "I will open my mouth in parables, I will announce what has lain hidden from the foundation of the world."

    Our Gospels starting last week and few weeks ago is always presenting a parable. Parables are stories given by Jesus Christ with hidden meaning. But they are revealed in a very special way to people who want to understand and who always seek for the kingdom of God. Just like our Gospel today it talks about the mustard seed and the yeast. The mustard seed though very small or even the smallest seed we know can grow very big. That is compared to our faith, that is planted to us though small yet we take care of it so that it will grow like a mustard tree. Our faith is like a relationship that needs caring and loving as we love our sower (God). Just like the big mustard tree they serve with a purpose to the birds where they "dwell in its branches". May we realized that later on, in our life we can serve with a purpose to other if they need somebody or someone to lean on.

    "Heaven is like a yeast". Here we can see the purpose of the yeast as leavening to have a big dough of bread. May our faith in God increase also by his yeast of love and mercy. The purpose of yeast is to add up and so our God is always adding blessings and graces to us, but, sometimes we fail to recognize. May he always direct us and may we also cooperate with the grace of God for a good purpose.

      With a purpose, for we grow with others and for others.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

# The Gift of People, friendship and Companionship

"Friendship and companionship"

     A very timely expression for today, more friends means more people to know and you know.
    I just wonder if you know all your facebook friends and if you have time to know them?

  I just think of it as i miss some of my dearly known friends.

 God has given us the gift of people to know and be with them. it could be like just to meet them in our day to day experiences. We have seen crowds of people and we just let them go. Because their very purpose is just to show you that they are there and they exist. There could be billions of people in the world yet you don't know all of them. and sometimes we don't care to all of them.
 There are good people around us and they could be your good friends and sometimes the opposite. friends gives colour to our life. they inspire us, sometimes they expire too. Friendship is built, and friendship should be maintained like a plant that needs watering everyday. Love starts in friendship level. Our friendship will also help us to connect to people and be with the people even at some strange point. The point in life is there are more people yet not all of them can be our friends and if they are our friends not all of them could be friends.

    As friendship is built from the people around us we develop a certain companionship. This  I would say is higher level of friendship. You could be friends but you may be good companions in life. Companionship involves developing and knowing more of the person. Companionship sometimes deals with relationship- at times. Our companions are people and friends whom we trust and who inspire day to day.

   This people around me are the proof of my existence at the level of friendship and companionship.

Have a fruitful and blessed day my friends.....

Monday, July 21, 2014

# Rabboni

 "He knows your name" and he knows you well

Gospel: John 20:1-2.11-18

         We now reflect on Mary as one of the disciples of Jesus who had been very faithful and one of those who dedicate her life in preaching the good news.
         We also see what are Mary Magdalene's characteristics as a persona and as a disciple of Christ. We probably know that Mary Magdalene is a prostitute at that time, but what is so striking is her transformation. She transformed after hearing the word of God. And she (Mary Magdala) is a good model of discipleship of which who followed Jesus from his passion, death and resurrection. We should also see how she struggled but overcome it because of love. Love to serve and follow the steps of God.
       Jesus said "Mary!" She turned to him and said, "Rabboni" (Teacher).
       Jesus gives importance to our name, we are so special to him just like Mary of Magdala. He (Jesus) called us in a very special way with intense love and emotion.
       Mary also honored Jesus as teacher, who had been teaching and doing or acting the will of God. We give praise to Jesus as Mary exult him saying "Rabboni". Honoring Jesus is honoring the Almighty Father who is the source of all things.
        The challenge of our Gospel for today is how we honor Christ in our life. And how we praise and glorify our God.
        God loves us in a very special way, and he knows our name. Let us offer our day to Him and be ready to be transformed by the grace of God today.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Believe and You shall See

"Believe and You shall See"

In our Gospel for today taken from Matthew 12:38-42, speaks of the discourse of Jesus with the Pharisees who wanted to see for a sign from him. Indeed Jesus was not surprised by their intentions for he knows what they are trying to drive at him. He then, gave them the prophesy of the prophet Jonah.
 If we are to relate in the Gospel for today, we are like the Pharisees who always wanted to seek for sign for us to know something and to act for something. this is part of our worldly views in life. Truly we seek sign so that we can prove the veracity of something.
But the invitation for us today is not just to seek for sign, instead be a real believer. "To believe is to see". we must believe first before we see anything that is beyond our human capacity. Be a true believer of the Gospel and be a bearer of the faith. An authentic believers seeks the Kingdom of God and believe in it before he/she can experience.
the challenge for us today is to transform our doubtful hearts and be a true believer to God. Believe and you shall see.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

# in trouble

Are you fun of this phrase I'm "in trouble"?

Think of it how many times have you said this in your life? have you been thankful of all your gifts and blessings that our God blessed you?
Most of us start complaining I'm in trouble if we can't bare problems in life. Our friends would asks how are you? and we right away express our feelings and emotions with I'm in trouble now. troubles in life is really coming as often as they could. But, we should also remember as Christians that our creator gives as something that we can solve. What we need to do is face them and do not run away from this problems and troubles in life. Our troubles in life could be our personal problems, our anxieties and worries and what is so strange is when we get troubled of others problems in life.
Our Gospel for today taken from Matthew is inviting us to lift up our burdens to our creator and face them so that it will be easy and light for us to carry.
The challenge for us now is to go to God and slowly accept our problems and troubles and asks for His divine providence to face all our challenges in life.
Pray and cooperate with God's grace so that everything will be fine.

Love and Serve the Lord.
